September 1, 2021.
Present: Norm Gaumont – Chair, Myles Radchenko – Water Testing, Rosalind Gardner – Website, Phyllis Radchenko – Member at Large
Regrets: Diane Worth
Absent: Jim D’Andrea
Minutes were taken by: Phyllis Radchenko
Call to Order 14:00 / 2 pm
Old Business
- *Membership fees are now due. Membership drive is to be completed by Sept.30/21. Norm G. will complete the Sundial Rd. canvas. Phyllis & Myles R. will complete the east side canvas. A fact sheet with efforts and accomplishments of the last year has served as a valuable tool. During the canvas the members will advise of the upcoming AGM and invite all to attend and consider volunteering as Member of the Board at Large.
- Board of Director Roles. There is a need for Board members and it has been identified that the following roles should be filled. Current members are willing to mentor new Board members into managing the following responsibilities:
Secretary – responsible for Minutes, and;
Public Access Care – responsible for maintenance of the 3 public accesses, one access off highway 97 and on Sundial Rd.
Membership – – responsible for the collection of membership dues.The ideal Board would consist of at least 8 members, each actively engaged. No new Board member will be given a portfolio, unless they request a specific responsibility. The goal is to have equal representation on the Board from the east and south (Sundial Rd.) sides of the lake.Norm has been managing the Finances. His recommendation is to have an individual manage the Money Collection (membership fees) clearly outlining both the date the money is collected and the date it is deposited to provide a clear record.Rosalind will take on the role of updating the keeping the current membership list. The current membership list has some outdated emails and is missing some phone contacts. Our primary method of contact is email which has been challenging. We are unable to request phone numbers for contact due to Privacy Act.Norm will continue to head the Siltation Committee until the Study is complete. Norm is eager to mentor someone both the Finance and Public Access Care roles. Myles will continue to head the Water Testing study for the term of completion (another year) & work on Membership fees collection as well as recruiting new Board members. Rosalind will continue to manage the website and membership list. Phyllis will take on the role of Secretary temporarily, assist with Water Testing, work on Membership Fee collection as well as work on recruiting Board members. - Public Access Maintenance. Norm reported at this time he has been unable to secure an insured contractor to clean up the Public Accesses. VSLA has $1000.00 in funds to clean up rotten /downed trees, poison ivy, etc. but the funds need to be spent before we are able to re-apply for the upcoming year. He will follow-up and Phyllis will follow up with another possible insured service provider.
- Milfoil Removal. Norm reported that although the Provincial and Federal governing bodies have given approval for the Milfoil Harvester to be used on Vaseux Lake, we will not be getting the Harvester because the water level is too low. The Harvester requires at least 6 feet clearance to be able to float then function properly. An application was made to raise the water level but it was not approved due to be severe drought and the requirement for water flow for salmon in the river south of Vaseux Lake. This will continue to be a priority for VLSA. It was noted that a herbicide in puck form is being used with success in Osoyoos Lake on the U.S. side but has not yet been approved for use in Canada. This will continue to be monitored by the Board.
- Siltation Study Mid Term Report. The Mid term report has been completed on the siltation study and is attached.
- Member Concerns. Norm reported on his communication with the Ministry of Transport on concerns that have been brought forward by members regarding: excessive speeding, turning lanes, vehicle (semi-truck noise). He will be sending out a communication to the General membership that outlines the Ministry of Transport response. It is to be noted that while the concerns are valid to local residents, they are not directly related to the mandate of the VLSA which is focused on lake/water related issues. It will be communicated (at the AGM??) that issues outside of the Mandate may require the development of a Vaseux Lake residents Community Association who would focus on areas that are non-lake/water specific.Norm reported about water leaking into the lake from a residence on Sundial Rd. This concern was brought forward and the water was tested resulting in permissible nitrates & only slightly elevated phosphates. The concern was communicated to the property owners who contracted professionals to assess their septic system and geothermal loop. Investigation by professionals uncovered no deficiencies but highlighted a natural spring in the location. The concern is resolved at this time.
New Business
The VLSA Annual General Meeting will be held at 2PM on Sept. 25th 2021 at 216 Sundial Rd. The meeting will be head outdoors with the potential to move indoors with participants wearing masks. Norm will send an invitation to the members and Phyllis will post a notice at the VL mailboxes. All homes being canvassed for membership will be extended a personal invitation to attend the meeting.
Meeting Adjourned 16:00 / 4PM
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