Call to order Norm Gaumont called to order the board meeting of the Vaseux Lake Stewardship Association at 14:00 on October 26, 2019 at 216 Sundial Rd at Vaseux Lake. Roll call Norm Gaumont conducted a roll call of the Board members. The following persons were present: Jim D’Andrea, Rosalind Gardner, Barry Underwood, Myles Radchenko, […]
VLSA Board Meeting: September 10, 2019
The Vaseux Lake Stewardship Association Board met on Tuesday September 10th and set the date for the Annual Meeting on the 21st September between 2:00 and 4:00PM at my residence at 216 Sundial Rd. Oliver, BC. This meeting will include an election for the Board members, the Chair and Vice Chair for the Vaseux Lake […]
August 2018 Update: VLSA’s First Year
It’s been a year since the Vaseux Lake Stewardship Association (VLSA) was created, so the Association is providing an update on what has transpired. I am happy to report that approximately 83% of eligible homeowners around the lake joined the Association, and we are hoping to reach 90% this year. The Association accomplished the following […]
Vaseux Lake Homeowners’ Meeting – REPORT
The December 7th meeting with Tom Siddon and Terry Schafer on the Vaseux Lake Home Owners Association’s concerns was a success. It allowed us to highlight our concern relating to the final phase of polishing any remaining effluents through a parcel of land from the Okanagan Treatment plant.